online stores with e-commerce
Busy Ant Marketing is pleased to announce new online store websites with e-commerce for Guam quick serve restaurants, coffee shops, tea shops, pastry shops, food trucks, sit-down restaurants and more!
We can have you up and running in a couple of days with a brand new e-commerce website that lets you take credit/debit card payments and orders online. We’ll help you eliminate lost orders and sales, especially during peak lunch and dinner hours when customers cannot get through because your phone lines are busy with other customers.
starter package
We can get you up and running with an Online Store that includes 25 products. Our platform will let you expand the store with as many categories and products as you want.
We recommend using Paypal as the credit card processor, as they support Guam business addresses. (Note that other popular credit card processors such as Stripe and Square don’t offer service for Guam.)
What you get:
- We come in and review your business, the menu or products you want to sell online.
- We design, build and host your website that will include your business description, an About Us section, customer testimonials, business hours and contact information.
- We build your product catalog with all the menu items or products and all the variations and add-ons that you wish to sell online.
- We connect your product catalog with the credit card processor (Paypal) and work with you and your staff to conduct tests and ensure that you are receiving the orders at your business email address and that you are receiving the payments from your online store at your Paypal business account.
- We configure your online system to offer in-store/in-restaurant pickup and if you provide your own local delivery options, we can integrate those as well including adding delivery fees to the total bill.
What you need to provide:
(If you need any additional assistance with the following, we will provide a quote for the work needed.)
- Photos of all the menu items/products
- Descriptions of all the menu items/products
- Configurations/variations/add-ons of all the menu items/products. E.g. Small size, medium size and large size drink.
- Domain name for your website
- Business description and restaurant/store hours
- Customer testimonials
- Paypal business account for your company that will be used for the credit card payment processing.
- Delivery fees, if you offer local delivery service.
Additional Marketing Services we Offer:
We’ll create your Google Business Profile and accurately pin your restaurant/store on Google Maps so customers can find it easily in a Google/web search. We’ll add your entire menu with product descriptions, business description and hours of operation and more.
Facebook page – We’ll create and launch your Facebook page, including adding your entire menu there with product descriptions, pin your store accurately on the Facebook maps module, add business contact info and more.
We can also design and run an ongoing marketing program for you including the design, production and running of ad(s) every month.
Instagram page – We’ll create and launch your Instagram page, including adding business contact info and more.
We can also design and run an ongoing marketing program for you including the design, production and running of ad(s) every month.

Busy Ant Marketing also builds more complex online stores for bookstores, gift shops, apparel stores, sporting goods stores, distributors/wholesalers and more.
For help with getting your retail/wholsesale business selling online, please contact us via the form below or email us at and we can meet with you and do a thorough assessment of your project and provide you with a quote that meets your business needs.